Letter of Alphabet Song Lyrics

Phonics Song for Children
Letter of Alphabet Song Lyrics

Ants on the apple
a, a, a
Ants on the apple
a, a, a
Ants on the apple
a, a, a
"a" is the sound of "A"

Balls are bouncing
b, b, b
Balls are bouncing
b, b, b

Balls are bouncing
b, b, b

"b" is the sound of "B"

Caterpillars  coughing
c, c, c
Caterpillars  coughing
c, c, c

Caterpillars  coughing
c, c, c

"c" is the sound of "C"

Dolls are dancing
d, d, d
Dolls are dancing
d, d, d

Dolls are dancing
d, d, d

"d" is the sound of "D"

Elegant elephant
e, e, e
Elegant elephant
e, e, e

Elegant elephant
e, e, e

"E" is the sound of "E"

Five flamingoes
f, f, f
Five flamingoes
f, f, f

Five flamingoes
f, f, f

"f" is the sound of "F"

Goats are giggling
g, g, g
Goats are giggling
g, g, g

Goats are giggling
g, g, g

"g" is the sound of "G"

Helicopters hovering
h, h, h
Helicopters hovering
h, h, h

Helicopters hovering
h, h, h

"h" is the sound of "H"

Indian itching
i, i, i
Indian itching
i, i, i

Indian itching
i, i, i

"i" is the sound of "I"

Jellybeans jumping
j, j, j
Jellybeans jumping
j, j, j

Jellybeans jumping
j, j, j

"j" is the sound of "J"

King kicked a kettle
k, k, k
King kicked a kettle
k, k, k

King kicked a kettle
k, k, k

"k" is the sound of "K"

Lion loves lollipops
l, l, l
Lion loves lollipops
l, l, l

Lion loves lollipops
l, l, l

"l" is the sound of "L"

Monkeys munching
m, m, m
Monkeys munching
m, m, m

Monkeys munching
m, m, m

"m" is the sound of "M"

Nuts in a nutshell
n, n, n
Nuts in a nutshell
n, n, n

Nuts in a nutshell
n, n, n

"n" is the sound of "N"

Old orange octopus
o, o, o
Old orange octopus
o, o, o

Old orange octopus
o, o, o

"o" is the sound of "O"

Popcorn popping
p, p, p
Popcorn popping
p, p, p

Popcorn popping
p, p, p

"p" is the sound of "P"

Queen waiting quietly
q, q, q
Queen waiting quietly
q, q, q

Queen waiting quietly
q, q, q

"q" is the sound of "Q"

Rats are running
r, r, r
Rats are running
r, r, r

Rats are running
r, r, r

"r" is the sound of "R"

Sausages sizzling
s, s, s
Sausages sizzling
s, s, s

Sausages sizzling
s, s, s

"s" is the sound of "S"

Tiger on tip-toes
t, t, t
Tiger on tip-toes
t, t, t

Tiger on tip-toes
t, t, t

"t" is the sound of "T"

Umbrellas up
u, u, u
Umbrellas up
u, u, u

Umbrellas up
u, u, u

"u" is the sound of "U"

Very loud voices
v, v, v
Very loud voices
v, v, v

Very loud voices
v, v, v

"v" is the sound of "V"

Wizards have wands
w, w, w
Wizards have wands
w, w, w

Wizards have wands
w, w, w

"w" is the sound of "W"

Fox on a box
x, x, x
Fox on a box
x, x, x

Fox on a box
x, x, x

"x" is the sound of "X"

the Yak is yawning
y, y, y
the Yak is yawning
y, y, y

the Yak is yawning
y, y, y

"y" is the sound of "Y"

Zippers are zipping
z, z, z
Zippers are zipping
z, z, z

Zippers are zipping
z, z, z

"z" is the sound of "Z"

Letter of Alphabet Song Lyrics

Read more: ABC Alphabet Song Lyrics
Letter of Alphabet Song Lyrics



Sing-Along Songs
Nursery Rhyme Songs